Hengwu Jiao, Associate ProfessorEmail: hengwujiao@whu.edu.cn
Research Interests
1. Bat genomics
2. Evolution of genes associated with dietary changes in mammals
3. Ecological adaptation in mammals
2020.07-2022.06 Wuhan University, Associate Professor
2019.07-2022.06 Wuhan University, Postdoc
2014.09-2019.06 Wuhan University, PhD, major in ecology and evolution
Mentored by Huabin Zhao
2016.10-2017.03 Monell Chemical Senses Center, visiting scholar
Mentored by Peihua Jiang
2010.09-2014.06 Wuhan University, BSc, major in biology
Jiao H#, Xie HW#, Zhang L#, Zhuoma N, Jiang P, and Zhao H* (2020). Loss of sweet taste despite the conservation of sweet receptor genes in insectivorous bats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. in press.
Jiao H, Hong W, Nevo E, Li K, and Zhao H*. (2019) Convergent reduction of V1R genes in subterranean rodents. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19:176.
Jiao H#, Zhang L#, Xie HW, Simmons NB, Liu H, and Zhao H* (2019). Trehalase gene as a molecular signature of dietary diversification in mammals. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 36:2171–2183.
Jiao H, Wang Y, Zhang L, Jiang P*, and Zhao H* (2018). Lineage-specific duplication and adaptive evolution of bitter taste receptor genes in bats. Molecular Ecology. 27:4475–4488
Wu J#, Jiao H#, Simmons NB, Lu Q*, and Zhao H* (2018). Testing the sensory tradeoff hypothesis in New World bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285:20181523