






2024.09-至今  武汉大学,博士后

2021.07-2024.07  三峡大学,博士后

2016.09-2021.06  中国科学院植物研究所,博士(直博)

2013.09-2016.06  西北农林科技大学,学士





Wu N, Wang Y, Wang J, Zhang Y, Hu B, Guo J,Zheng Z, and Zhou, Y. 2024. Recovery of small rodents from optn-pit marble mining: Effects on communities, populations, and individuals. Integrative Zoology, 0: 1-15.

Wu N, Hu B, Wang Y, Qin Y, Ma G, He H, and Zhou, Y. 2023. Even minor logging road development can decrease the functional diversity of forest bird communities: Evidence from a biodiversity hotspot. Forest Ecology and Management, 534: 120965.

Wu N, Zhong J, Lei BY, Xie ZQ, and Zhou Y. 2019. Community reestablishment and poor body condition of small mammals' assemblage in subtropical afforested landscapes. Ecological Engineering, 135: 1-7.

Wu N, Yu JD, Yu J, Liu SX, Newman C, Xie ZQ, and Zhou Y. 2019. The nectar-/insect feeding Hair-crested Drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus) eats lizards as a novel food source. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 15: 197-200.

吴楠, 雷博宇, 周友兵, 谢宗强. 2020. 湖北神农架动物模式标本名录. 中国科学数据. 5: 61-67.

Guo J, Cui J, Wu N, Zhang Y, Wang J, Xiang H, Hu B and Zhou, Y. 2023. Ice storm damage to oak forests in subtropical China. Forest Ecosystems. 10: 100119. 

Cui J, Zhang Y,i Guo J, Wu N, and Zhou, Y. 2023. Conflicting selection pressures on seed size and germination caused by carnivorous seed dispersers. Integrative Zoology, 18: 799-816.

Cui J, Guo J, Wang Y, Wu N, and Zhou, Y. 2023. Small carnivores contribute surrogate seed dispersers for a megafaunal-fruited liana in subtropical Asia. Acta Oecologica, 120: 103928.

周友兵, 吴楠. 2019. 神农架动物模式标本名录. 北京:科学出版社.

喻杰, 吴楠, 周友兵. 2019. 神农架常见鸟类识别手册. 北京:科学出版社.


国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 鸟类和啮齿类种子传播效率的时空格局对弃耕地植被重建进程的影响” (32201545), (2022-2025) (主持)

湖北省博士后创新人才岗位基金项目 “国家公园内旅游道路影响下鸟类多维度多样性分异规律及其驱动因子” (291200), (2022-2024) (主持)

国家自然科学基金面上项目 “物种互作网络的海拔分异及其在生物多样性维持中的作用机制” (31971541), (2020-2023) (项目骨干)

中国环境科学研究院生物多样性调查评估项目 “武陵山生物多样性保护优先区域东北部湖北地区哺乳动物多样性调查与评估” (2019HB2096001006[2-3-5]), (2019-2021) (项目骨干)

神农架林区林业管理局 横向项目 “神农架林区2021年重点区域生态保护与修复项目作业设计” (鄂匀迈招字[2021]042号), (2021-2022) (项目骨干)

神农架林区发展与改革委员会横向项目 “ ‘十四五’水土保持、能源发展、对口协作等规划项目设计”, (鄂中元神农架招字[2020]040), (2020) (项目骨干)